CPMA Virtual Conference November 2021
Join with colleagues in Podiatry and Chiropody
for our one-day Virtual Conference.
Thank you.
Our second virtual conference was a success thanks to our presenters, sponsors, and guests.
Thank you to all who participated and see you next time!
The CPMA 2nd Virtual Conference
Our Fall conference will be delivered virtually to allow delegates to
attend from anywhere across the globe.
The event opens on Saturday, November 20, 2021 at 10:30 AM ET
and provides continuing education hours, industry intelligence, and networking.
This event is accredited for 6.5 CE hours approved by the Canadian
Council on Podiatric Medical Education in accordance with all guidelines set forth. (100 minutes Radiology)

Members & Affiliates:


Podiatry students:
At only $79 CDN, this event is significantly less than the cost of an airline ticket and hotel.
It is a prime opportunity for you to interact with Podiatrists from across Canada, USA, and beyond.
This year’s event promises to be a great mix of training and networking.
Some of our Featured Sessions
An exhilarating and informative one-day program of distinguished speakers
Kristen Kit, Advocate, Leader, Olympic Gold Medalist
Kerry Zang, DPM
Laser use to reduce pedal inflammation; Indications and Case Presentations
Tracey Vlahovic, DPM
A Review of Plantar Psoriasis and an Update on Treatment Options
Rose Raiman, RN
Negative Pressure and DFU / VLU Case Studies
Francois Allart, DPM
Subtleties of Limb Length Discrepancies: Diagnosis and Treatment
Tim Dutra, DPM
Pediatric Sports Injuries / Treating Kids;
Conservative Approach to Posterior Tibial Tendonitis and Dysfunction
Sheldon Nadal, DPM
Minimally Invasive Foot Surgery (MIFS)
Michael Theodoulou, DPM
Geriatric Collapsing Foot and What They Really Want/Need
Register Now!
Reserve your spot for
an educational opportunity not to be missed.