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Are high heels on shaky ground?

Loredana Moniz, whose shoe closet is shown here, considers her high heels an essential part of her everyday wardrobe and says she hasn’t suffered any health complications. (Loredana Moniz)

From the CBC news article:

Originally more for men, high heels are now seen by some as a symbol of gender discrimination

Loredana Moniz has 120 pairs of heels. The 48-year-old hairdresser is on her feet up to 14 hours a day.

“People say, ‘Are you kidding me — you wear those to work?'” she said. “And I say yes, I’m comfortable.”

So comfortable, Moniz, of Brampton, Ont., says she even wears them at home, noting she also likes the extra height they give her and considers them a fashion necessity.

While Moniz won’t be kicking her heels off anytime soon, there is a movement afoot to free women of the shoes experts have long warned can inflict harmful health consequences and that, in the current political climate, some have come to see as a symbol of gender discrimination.

The movement is making strides with some provincial governments in Canada.

Ontario recently passed the Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs Act, which includes a ban on employers forcing their female workers to wear high heels.

Read more at the link:

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